Does mental illness come from our genes?

Mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and depression are among the most common causes of disability both in Croatia and around the world. In spite of this, we still do not know much about the biology behind them. What happens in the cells of our brain that affect the way we think? This is very important, as currently, we are only able to diagnose these diseases by interviewing patients – we do not have any form of medical test that we can use to tell us which mental illness a patient has, or what would be the best way to treat them. In this talk, we will discuss what might cause these illnesses, and in particular how much they originate from our DNA, and how much from our life experiences.

Nicholas Bradshaw

stanični je i molekularni biolog iz Velike Britanije, a obrazovao se na Sveučilištu u Durhamu, Sveučilištu u Edinburghu te Sveučilištu Heinrich Heine u Düsseldorfu. Od 2005. godine bavi se proučavanjem proteina povezanih s mentalnim bolestima, a u Rijeku se seli 2017. godine, gdje je voditelj vlastite istraživačke grupe i Studija na engleskom jeziku na Odjelu za biotehnologiju Sveučilišta u Rijeci.

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